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Happy 2022!

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

The Linkr Team is excited to see what 2022 has in store for the evolution of virtual exchange, internationalization, and learning in general.

We look forward to continuing to serve our learning communities and education organizations as we’ve done since 2018 when we went live. We moved our URL to Love Learning in 2021 to truly own the reason why we exist, and share our pride for the many achievements of our clients, educators and learners, whom we exist to support.

Linkr cares about helping learning flourish and clients who are particularly focused on three themes: virtual exchange, internationalization and social justice.

We want all our clients and collaborators to learn to love learning all over again, by harnessing the power of virtual exchange - an educational paradigm that was a huge spark for our platform, and which we expand upon here.

We are especially excited about helping international understanding expand by providing better programs around international exchange through blended mobility offerings. Mobility programs have always been engines for multicultural learning, and by embracing the enhancements brought by virtual platforms, these experiences can become accessible and sustainable for all.

In 2021 we were proud of how our multi-college linkr platforms supported sustainability and social justice projects from inter-provincial college collaborations in Quebec, to international collaborations around issues of democracy and race. We love learning about causes that matter and look forward to more in the year ahead.

Wishing you a wonderful 2022 filled with exciting opportunities to renew your love of learning!

The Linkr Team


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