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2023 World Congress With Linkr

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

The World Congress 2023 will be hosted by Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) and the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP), April 23-25, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with the theme Collective Intelligence. 

Breaking down classroom walls to integrate the experiences that form our collective intelligence was the original impetus behind Linkr. Now, as experiential and virtual learning compete with AI to make cross-cultural collaboration and exchange more dynamic than ever, the theme "Collective Intelligence" has never been more à propos.'

The 2023 World Congress is focused on seven topics that address several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, two of which are directly supported by Linkr platforms:

Advancing Teaching, Learning and Student Success - SDG Goal #4

Instilling a love for learning through collaborative processes that encourage exploration, discussion, and meaningful engagement with the subject matter is at the heart of the Linkr experience, and the future of international learning. As a secure and neutral third-party platform, Linkr is enabling a growing number of higher education institutions to collaborate safely outside of their home LMS. This is giving students and teachers access to a literal world of inspiration and real-life knowledge they can apply to their studies without setting foot outside their country or institution.

Especially in countries where resources for international collaboration are scarce or non-existent, Linkr provides a portal onto valuable human knowledge and interaction that allows students from all socio-economic backgrounds to participate on the global stage. Which is exactly what's needed to effectuate real, equitable, and sustainable growth and development in all areas of the world.

Vanier College is a great example of a higher education institution using a linkr to facilitate an innovative mobility program that's enabling North American and African nursing students to share the challenges, experiences, and best practices that will advance medical care worldwide.

Catch Linkr's Dave Hoida and his team presenting on the topic at the World Congress on Monday, April 24 at 11am.

Building and maintaining strong Industry Partnerships - SDG Goal #17

Strategic partnerships are absolutely critical to achieving global community goals. Whether it's colleges and institutions responding to labour market challenges, exploring how they can help strengthen their communities, or work together to innovate more dynamic curriculums, Linkr supports them all!

Many of our clients start out adopting a linkr to connect leadership and administrative teams across partnering institutions. Linkr's Groups, content-specific direct messaging, and resource management features omit the need for multiple platforms, streamline the flow of information, and make it easier for everyone to be part of the conversation. The ease of use and discovery of features under the Community tab, like Classes and Publications, often leads to educators and trainers instantly pivoting to deliver curriculum through their linkr. When you can do it all from one home base, why go elsewhere, right?

New Features on the Way!

Linkr has been on a serious roll this year, so much so, we'll actually be rolling out several new features and surprises that will help even more education institutions trim their tech toolbox (and budgets) down to ultimate stealth levels:

  • ACCESSIBILITY - Also in-line with the UNs SDGs around inclusivity, the next iteration of Linkr platforms will be highly accessible and increase ease of use for all users.

  • ASSIGNMENTS - The Classroom feature gets an upgrade with teachers able to assign, grade, and keep tabs on work submitted to their linkr. Woohoo!

  • BADGES - Training and education programs using a linkr will soon be able to award graduates with verifiable electronic badges of completion. For real.

  • SURVEY TOOL - Forget Forms, find out what your team, classroom, or partners think about any topic using Linkr's survey tool - a quick and easy feature to manage change, facilitate innovation, and navigate growth.

  • UX UPGRADE - What would all these fresh features be without a new face? Linkr 2.0 will feature a dynamic visual dashboard that gives users an at-a-glance overview of their life in the Linkrverse.

Relevant Reads

Read about HIVER, a cross-cultural collaboration between universities across the USA and MENA (Middle East & North Africa) that adopted a linkr to help galvanize admin, only to open it up to classrooms and curriculums.

Check out our most recent article in IIE Networker Magazine about how Linkr is helping education organizations of all types trim their tech toolbox down by 5 or 6 platforms!

Let's Link!

If you can't catch Dave at the 2023 World Congress, you can email him at - he's there to answer any and all linkr-related questions, or set up a call to discuss your needs and goals in person.


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