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Linkr for Virtual Exchange

What is Virtual Exchange?

Virtual Exchange brings learners from multiple geographic locations together within an online environment to achieve a common goal. A Virtual Exchange program is sustained community engagement in Virtual Exchange activities.

Curriculum-based Virtual Exchange:

Linkr 21st century skills software

Virtual Exchange helps develop highly relevant, 21st century skills such as collaboration, cross-cultural communication, global awareness, and digital literacy, to name a few.

Linkr Student Engagement Virtual Exchange

Virtual Exchange builds engagement through coursework, provides space for skill-building and offers opportunities for authentic communication with real-world impact.

Extra-Curricular Virtual Exchange: 

Some Virtual Exchange programs provide activities and services for learners to get involved outside the classroom. Such opportunities are provided by non-profit organizations, institutional mobility offices, offices of internationalization or global learning, experiential learning initiatives, within dual degree programs, and as part of employment training or service learning.

Why are Institutions and Organizations Championing and Growing Virtual Exchange Programs?

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As a cost-effective and easy-to-implement initiative to enhance or internationalize institutions

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Toward expanding the impact of external partnerships across campuses, institutions and organizations

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To provide additional ways for participation in mobility and study abroad programs

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To offer opportunities for engaging in exciting and meaningful degree programs and coursework, and to enhance learning outcomes

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To support experiential learning programs

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To make a positive impact on the world outside of institutional walls

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To enhance existing mobility and study abroad programs with more interactivity before, during and after exchanges

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To improve online learning programs by broadening community in online spaces

4 Ways Linkr Makes Harnessing the Power of Virtual Exchange Easy

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ONE – Linkr requires little to no setup

It’s a web-based app platform, like the ones you know, only it's yours (brand it any way you want), keeps your work organized, and community focused.


Linkr functions as a virtual home base for your programs and community, while acting as a launchpad for learning around any topic.


TWO – Linkr is made to scale

So no worries if your usership suddenly expands, or you want to add another classroom or partner on-the-fly. It can even help you track outcomes.


Linkr is set up to measure impact and engagement, providing valuable insights into your programs and community.


Not only does Linkr make it easy for participants to get involved, usership is lifelong – it doesn’t end with any course, program, or project. Users can stay in touch, pick up collaborations again down the road, and develop meaningful, long-term relationships and mentorships.


THREE – Linkr is secure

Compliant where it counts, Linkr platforms pass every test for protection of personal privacy and information.
(To learn more: Linkr Privacy and GDPR compliance)


FOUR – Linkr makes Virtual Exchange an easy sell

Across administrators, institutions, educators, and learners, it’s unanimous. Linkr platforms are engaging and fun!

Linkr is the only Social LMS that Helps you Create, Manage, and Grow your Virtual Exchange Program!

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We Hold Hands Too.

Linkr’s Virtual Exchange consulting services can help new programs take off smoothly. With years of experience, the Linkr consulting team is ready to support your institution, organization, or community thrive via Virtual Exchange.

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