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For Education Organizations
Shaping the Future 

A Social LMS for learning communities

Education Organizations exist to improve education through outreach, professional development, and research to educators, students and/or institutions.

Funded by governments, foundations, membership fees, and/or fees for programming,  education organizations can face various challenges organizing and offering programming, illustrating their impact, and building a brand or community.

But this all gets easier with Linkr.

Why education organizations choose Linkr 


Turn your network into an engaged online community.


Provide effective and engaging professional development training. 


Support Communities of Practice across your network.


Issue and manage digital certificates and badges.


Keep in touch with your network without duct taping email and social media.

Key Linkr Features


  • Offer Quality Asynchronous and Synchronous trainings

  • Deliver certification badges


  • A secure, private, branded, all-in-one, community platform.

  • Share news about your new offerings, provide resources for registration, and more!

Groups for Communities of Practice

  • Keep alumni together post-trainings

  • Create thematic groups for communities of practice

  • Foster collaboration across an emerging community

Portfolio, Publications & Profiles

  • Vivid profiles offer members of the network paths to meet, learn and collaborate.

  • Publishing features provide each member the opportunity to blog and publish content with security across Linkr.

Meet A Few Education Organizations
Using Linkr

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Managing and implementing Virtual Exchange programs at scale (Read an article in IIE Networker about this work!)

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Providing students around the world access to unique, collaborative learning opportunities through online volunteer and collaborative learning programs: 

MOZAIKO” is the GCP”s community homebase and LMS for global innovators in Pluralism

We Also Support

Form Virtual Exchange
Soar to new heights with Linkr!

Fill out the form below to request a linkr demo or ask any question you might have - we answer every query.

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