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Linkr Loves Learning.

Do you?

Everyone loves learning at first.

Everyone loves learning at first. We learn to walk, talk, explore, become our own person...


It’s thrilling in the beginning. We’re supported, rewarded, and encouraged to evolve by a tight network of family and friends. Our milestones are marked and celebrated. Learning is associated with progress, achievement, pride! 


It’s when learning moves from the experience of life to the confines of the classroom that the thrill is often lost. Take that classroom online, and learning can lose its luster altogether.


Linkr puts the love back into learning via a platform that breathes life into any type of classroom experience, empowering organizations that play a major role in shaping education outcomes worldwide.


“Learning isn’t preparation for life. Learning is life.”

John Dewey

Linkr’s mission is to make the thrill of experiential learning accessible to everyone.

Image by Tim Mossholder

Learning is defined as the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience.

Experiential learning is about giving any learning journey the freedom and opportunity to be guided by natural curiosity and real-life experiences.

Linkr’s platform technology is designed to facilitate experiential learning for every type of education environment.


Easy Pivot

A cinch to set up and get started same-day, Linkr is a quick and easy gateway into experiential learning online.


Amplified Experiences

Linkr is ultimately about amplifying your education experience by linking with other classes, communities and peers both within and beyond the broader Linkrverse.


Human Connection

Instead of highlighting the physical distance we’ve been forced to maintain, Linkr provides easy avenues for relationship-building across cities, countries and continents, through a shared love of learning.

Linkr: Helping the world engage better with the experience of learning


Helping the world engage better with the experience of learning, to the point of falling in love with it for life, is what is all about.


Making quality learning experiences accessible to all is the mission of our custom linkr platforms. This calling naturally aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #4 and the many organizations who are dedicated to reaching it.

When mobilizing to make the world a more educationally equitable place is made both easy and enjoyable, good things happen.


If your organization is a registered SDG partner or working to become one, we would love to hear from you. Together, let’s explore how Linkr can be your global partner in helping us all get a little closer to an inclusive and equitable future.

Linkr: the big-hearted future of education technology


The Linkr team firmly believes that everyone should have access to experiential learning technology, and has provided platforms for various organizations facing financial challenges.
If your organization could benefit from its own Linkr platform but lacks the funds, request consideration through the Linkr’s Sponsorship Program.

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